Sunday, November 28, 2010

Cyber Monday, DREAM Act and Lame Duck

Happy Holidays to all.  I hope that each and every one of you had a great Thanksgiving and happy holiday weekend.  I enjoyed some much needed family and friend time, plus I got to travel across this great coutry of ours and now it's time to get back to work!  Congress is back in session on Monday, November 29th and the DREAM Act is on the docket.


We need you in DC this week if you can make it.  The Tea Party Immigration Coalition is leading a 3 day Grassroots Lobbying charge starting Monday November 29, 2010.  The group is advertising on Facebook and putting out an all points bulletin to all concerned citizens, Tea Party groups, 9/12 Patriots and all others united together.  The groups will meet Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week at 9:30am at the Hyatt Regency Washington and head to the halls of Congress pushing the people's message to STOP the DREAM Act amnesty.

If you can be in DC on Monday (Nov 29), Tuesday (Nov 30) or Wednesday (Dec 1) this week.  Please call or email or meet at the Hyatt on New Jersey Ave on Capitol Hill in DC.  Please email for more details.  Or just show up ready for a day in the halls of Congress.  We need your help!
The unemployment rate is currently at 9%.  Check here to see what it is in your state or county.  Nevada is at 14.5%, California is at 12.2% and Wayne County, Michigan (Detroit) is at 14.4%.  How can we grant amnesty to anyone until America is put back to work?

The open-border coalition and pro-Amnesty groups are charging full speed ahead behind Senator Harry Reid and his promise to bring the DREAM Act up during the Lame Duck session.  Queen Nancy Pelosi claimed that there could be a vote on the DREAM Act as early as November 29th, and President Obama said that he would like to see the bill on his desk by the end of the year.  What else do you need to know?

The DREAM Act is Amnesty for 2.1 million young adults under the age of 35 who were brought to this country illegally.  Many of them did not cross the border on their own, but their law breaking parents put them in harms way and placed them in this country without proper documentation.  And now the want a reward?  They want citizenship plus in-state college tuition?  They want a free pass.


Please try to make it to Washington D.C. to help.  The groups will meet Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday this week at 9:30am at the Hyatt Regency Washington and head to the halls of Congress pushing the people's message to STOP the DREAM Act.  The DREAM Act will equal a nightmare for American taxpayers.  Barron's estimates illegals may create an output of $400 trillion a year in their underground economy.  That means a loss of about $400 billion in tax revenues for America, not to mention the money we lose that is sent back to relatives in their home country.  Bear Stearns believes 4-6 million jobs have gone underground to illegals, which harms the American worker. And legitimate businesses suffer when forced to compete with the low prices and cheap labor of competitors who employ illegals.  PLEASE IF YOU CAN.  Get to DC this week.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Also, check out this article.

  3. I wish I lived in a state close to DC. I would have been there. I have been making phone calls to the Senators.
