Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Don't touch my Junk and Lame Duck

It's been a busy 2 days.  The 2010 Lame Duck session of Congress started yesterday on November 15th while the big news story of the day was a California guy who told a TSA airport screener "Don't touch my junk."  Both stories got equal press. 

It is freshman week on Capitol Hill.  The 64 new Republican U.S. House members arrived in Washington DC along with the 13 new Senators elected during the 2010 midterm elections.  Unemployment is hovering around 10% and on the Immigration front, the DREAM Act amnesty is being thrown around like a rag doll from Reid to Pelosi to Menendez to Obama back to Menendez and on to Guiterrez.  The open-border coalition hopes for a vote before Thanksgiving, the immigration-reduction groups know better.

I've started a new Facebook fan page on Immigration news called "Immigration Action Report" http://www.facebook.com/ImmigrationActionReport

I have a new Twitter feed up http://twitter.com/IARnews

NumbersUSA has a new Facebook fan page up as well and there are new faxes up on their Action Board on the DREAM Act for all their members.

It's a great time for activists, Tea Party and 9/12 patriots, grass roots groups and main line Republicans, Libertarians and Independents alike.  And, yes, for all of you Conservative Democrats too.

And of course this new Blog is up and now running!

Thanks all and Welcome :-)

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