Thursday, December 23, 2010

Senator Sessions speech on DREAM Act

Sessions Delivers Floor Speech on ‘Decisive’ DREAM Act Vote

Saturday, December 18, 2010

“I would ask my friends who support this bill what is compassionate about ignoring the public’s wishes and forcing people to live with a lawless border. I would ask what is compassionate about putting illegal immigrants in the front of the line, ahead of those who have waited patiently and played by the rules. I would ask what is compassionate about undermining the integrity of our legal system – a system so central to our liberty and our prosperity."

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator Jeff Sessions (R-AL), Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, delivered remarks today on the Senate floor prior to a cloture vote on the fifth version of the DREAM ACT recently introduced, following the postponement of two previously scheduled votes on the legislation. The DREAM Act would extend mass amnesty to millions of illegal aliens, including a number with criminal records, and would offer safe harbor to those with pending applications. Those granted amnesty would then be able to sponsor their relatives – including those who may have brought them here illegally – and do not need to attain a high school diploma, a college degree or volunteer for military service. According to CBO estimates, the bill would add at least $5 billion to the federal deficit.

His remarks, as prepared, follow:

“Essential to America’s greatness is our respect for the rule of law. The American people understand this.

For years, they have asked Congress and the President to secure the borders and to enforce our immigration laws. But for years, those pleas have been ignored. Leaders in Washington have not only tolerated the lawlessness, but their policies have encouraged it.

Americans living near our border are the ones who often pay the steepest price. Illegal drugs, guns, and people pour into states like Arizona every single day. Arizona’s capitol, Phoenix, has been turned into one of the kidnapping capitols of the world.

Ranchers living in the southern part of the state are forced to accept this chaos as part of their daily lives. Smugglers and traffickers routinely stream across their properties. Homes are broken into, livestock are killed, families are placed in danger. Our government has failed in its duty to protect these citizens and the peaceful possession of their property.

Consider the fate of Robert Krentz, the son of one of Arizona’s oldest ranching families, working land that had been in that family for a hundred years. In the past, the Krentz home had been robbed and their livestock slaughtered.

On the night of March 27th this year Mr. Krentz went out to mend a fence and check his water lines. He then reached his brother on the radio to say that he was helping someone he believed to be an illegal immigrant. That was the last time anyone would hear from Mr. Krentz. He was found several hours later, shot dead.

The death of Robert Krentz is sadly just one of many tragedies that could have been avoided if our government would do its job. Instead, when Arizona tried to support federal immigration authorities they were sued by Attorney General Holder and the Department of Justice. They were sued for trying to protect themselves because the federal government would not.

And yet here we are, in the final days of a lame-duck Congress, considering a bill that would create a major impediment to effective immigration enforcement. The American people are pleading with Congress to enforce our laws, but this bill – at its core – would reward illegality.

This is the third time Majority Leader Reid has schedule a vote on the DREAM Act during the lame-duck session, and it is the fifth version of the legislation that has been introduced in the last two months. Not one of these bills has received committee review. In fact, the version that we are now considering was introduced in the House the night before it came to a vote. Only one hour of debate was allowed and no amendments could be offered. The Majority Leader has filled the tree here, so once again the legislation cannot be amended.

For two years Democrat leaders have ignored the public and rammed through unpopular legislation. And now they are at it again, trying to force through another unacceptable bill in the last days of a lame-duck congress.

Proponents of the DREAM Act insist it is a limited bill for the young children of illegal immigrants who graduate high school, get a college degree, and join the military. But the facts are otherwise.

The DREAM Act would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens regardless of whether they go to high school or finish college or serve in the military. And the bill is certainly not limited to children. It would apply to illegal immigrants who are as old as 30 now and—because the bill has no cap or sunset—who will remain eligible at any future age.

The bill’s amnesty provisions are so broad that they are open to those who have multiple criminal convictions – misdemeanors that could include drunk driving and even sexual offenses. But the bill goes yet further, offering safe harbor to illegal aliens with pending applications even if they pose a risk. This is especially dangerous because the safe harbor would also apply to those from terror-prone regions in the Middle East.

In fact, the DREAM Act altogether ignores the lessons of 9/11, going so far as to open eligibility to those who have previously defrauded immigration authorities—as did many of the 9/11 hijackers on their visa applications.

Some have suggested that this should not be a debate about policy but instead a debate about compassion. But good policy, faithfully followed, is compassionate. I would ask my friends who support this bill what is compassionate about ignoring the public’s wishes and forcing people to live with a lawless border. I would ask what is compassionate about putting illegal immigrants in the front of the line, ahead of those who have waited patiently and played by the rules. I would ask what is compassionate about undermining the integrity of our legal system – a system so central to our liberty and our prosperity.

Before we consider regular status for anyone living here illegally we must first secure the border. If we do not—if we pass this amnesty—we will signal to the world that we are not serious about our borders or our laws. We will say you can enter illegally and that a future Congress will have no reason not to grant another amnesty, another DREAM Act.

It is time to end the lawlessness. Not surrender to it. With determined leadership from Congress and the President we could solve the problem at our border in just a few short years.

This is a decisive vote. I urge my colleagues to oppose this reckless bill and to commit ourselves to creating an immigration system that is just and lawful and that befits a nation as great as ours.”

DREAM Act update from Obama

Obama "Back At It" On DREAM Act

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fatal blow DREAM Act fails in Senate

The DREAM Act has failed 55-41 (with 4 Senators not voting).  The Immigration bill did not pass cloture (to stop debate) and will not move forward in the United States Senate at this time.  

Republicans voting YES: Lugar, Murkowski, Bennett.  Democrats voting NO: Hagan, Pryor, Tester, Nelson (NE), Baucus.  Those missing the vote were: Bunning (KY), Gregg (NH), Hatch (UT) and  Manchin (WV).  All four  would have voted NO, including Manchin who did not like that the DREAM Act did not require completion of a college degree.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Letter of 42 Republicans Good or Not?

Three weeks ago the entire Republican Senate caucus signed a letter launched at Majority Leader Harry Reid.  The "Letter of 42" informed him that they will filibuster any legislative measure that comes before the Senate prior to the body considering a budget or tax cut legislation.  The Associated Press first reported the story, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's office passed a copy on to reporters, showing that he had secured signatures from every Senate Republican, all 42 of them.

Today, President Obama signed the $858 billion tax cut bill into law.  With that task complete, half of the Republican concerns in the "Letter of 42" have been satisfied.  Hours ago, the House just passed a temporary three-day federal spending bill that now awaits action in the Senate to fund the government through next Tuesday, December 21, 2010.  Given that it passes through the Senate, it will (1) give Congress more time to compromise on a longer and more permanent continuing appropriations resolution (CR) budget and (2) could satisfy the second half of the "Letter of 42" for the weekend in some opinions.

All eyes will be on the Republican leadership of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and his ability to hold the line on the "Letter of 42" and keep the GOP solidarity to vote NO on cloture (start/stop debate) against the DREAM Act and DADT repeal.  

On the DREAM Act, will Senator McConnell hold the votes of Sen. Snowe, Sen. Collins, Sen. Murkowski, Sen, LeMieux and Sen. Voinovich?  Or will one or more of these Republican Senators cross their leadership and stab the American people in the back?  The DREAM Act will grant amnesty to an estimated 2.1 million young adults and contains multiple loopholes, allows too many illegal immigrants to qualify, and doesn't hold illegal immigrants to the educational and military standards that its supports say it does.  Watch C-SPAN2 on Saturday morning for the vote!

Cloture what? DREAM Act info

Cloture - The only procedure by which the Senate can vote to place a time limit on consideration of a bill or other matter, and thereby overcome a filibuster. Under the cloture rule (Rule XXII), the Senate may limit consideration of a pending matter to 30 additional hours, but only by vote of three-fifths of the full Senate, normally 60 votes.

What is Cloture?  Cloture is a parliamentary device that sometimes is used in the Senate to bring debate on a question to a "close" (thus, the term, "cloture").  The device is necessary, at times, because in the Senate, most questions are debatable for an unlimited amount of time.  In order to shut off a filibuster (which is an attempt by  a  numerical minority of the senate to prevent a question from coming up for a vote by engaging in unlimited debate), senators must "invoke cloture" on the question.  Since invoking cloture on a question denies senators their right to unlimited debate, Senate rules require two days notice of an attempt to invoke cloture on a question, and the rules impose the requirement that three-fifths of the whole number of senators vote in favor of invoking cloture in order to shutdown the debate.  Because there are 100 seats in the Senate, three-fifths of that number works out to a 60 vote requirement in order to invoke cloture on a question. 

In parliamentary procedure, cloture (pronounced /klotchure/ KLOH-cher) is a motion or process aimed at bringing debate to a quick end. It is also called closure or, informally, a guillotine. The cloture procedure originated in the French National Assembly, from which the name is taken. Clôture is French for "ending" or "conclusion". It was introduced into the Parliament of the United Kingdom by William Ewart Gladstone to overcome the obstruction of the Irish nationalist party and was made permanent in 1887. It was subsequently adopted by the United States Senate and other legislatures.

Note: Special thanks and hat tip to MicEvHill.

Make or Break DREAM Act

The next 24 hours will be the most important opportunity for grassroots activists to STOP the DREAM Act amnesty from passing in Congress.  The DREAM Act is an amnesty for 2.1 million undocumented young adults in this country.  Vote is set for 10am in the Senate on Saturday, December 18, 2010.  We only have one chance to stop this!

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has filed a cloture motion (to start/stop debate) on the House amendment to the Senate amendments to H.R. 5281, the DREAM Act, setting up a cloture vote on the measure for Saturday morning, December 18, 2010.  There will be 2 possible votes, but the first vote is the most important! 

60 votes are needed to pass first vote - then only 51 votes to pass second vote and if it wins, the DREAM Act will go to the President to become law.

First things first!  Let's follow the lead of our friends at ALIPAC.

Everyone call Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY).  McConnell is the minority leader of the Senate.  Call and explain your version of...

"I'm calling to tell Senator McConnell that every single Republican in the Senate had better vote NO ON CLOTURE for the Dream Amnesty tomorrow. We need all 42 GOP to vote NO.  I am going to hold Senator McConnell, as minority leader, personally responsible for keeping Republicans together in opposition to this terrible Dream Act AMNESTY bill that would allow Obama and Homeland Security to give Amnesty to any and all illegal aliens according to the 'waiver' on page 5 line 21.  Please let Senator McConnell know that Americans are counting on him to assure all GOP Senators vote NO on DREAM Act AMNESTY CLOTURE"

Call his DC office (202) 224-2541 and his Louisville office (502) 582-6304

After calling the minority leader's office, let's all fall in formation behind the targets chosen by our friends at NumbersUSA. Please select from our suggested talking points and then call each and every Senator listed below. If you call through the list once, start at the beginning and call again! By calling using these suggestions from NumbersUSA we can concentrate our impact.

Call to say / or leave a message

"Please ask Senator _______ to vote NO ON CLOTURE ON THE DREAM AMNESTY BILL and tell Harry Reid that America wants Congress to come home for Christmas and end the lame duck!"

"Please ask Senator _____ to vote NO ON DREAM AMNESTY CLOTURE because HR5281 on page 5 line 21 allows Obama and Homeland Security to waive all requirements and grant amnesty to almost all illegal aliens in America."

"Please vote NO ON CLOTURE FOR 5281 AMNESTY BILL because this bill will displace and replace millions of innocent American workers, students, and voters."

From NumbersUSA for Lower Immigration Levels.

Encourage These 12 Senators To Stick With Leanings or Pledges To Vote NO

This is the group that we HAVE to win. Fortunately, they are all leaning toward voting NO and their staff may even be saying they probably will vote NO. But our allies in the Senate don't feel absolutely sure of these votes. The dozen Senators are under enormous lobbying pressure intended to make them feel inhumane if they vote NO.

Give them quick phone calls to thank them for their intention to vote NO on the DREAM Act amnesty. And note that a key reason they are right is that DREAM provides zero enforcement to stop future millions of illegal workers from coming and taking jobs from hard-pressed Americans.

George LeMieux (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-3041 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Tampa, FL ph: 813-977-6450 adr: 3802 Spectrum Boulevard, Tampa, FL 33612

Sam Brownback (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-6521 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Topeka, KS ph: 785-233-2503 adr: 612 S. Kansas Ave., Topeka, KS 66603

Susan Collins (R)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2523 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Bangor: ph: 207-945-0417 adr: 202 Harlow Street - Room 204, Bangor, ME 04401
Portland: ph: 207-780-3575 adr: 1 City Center, Portland, ME 04101

Olympia Snowe (R)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-5344 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Bangor: ph: 207-945-0432 adr: 1 Cumberland Place, Bangor, ME 04401
Portland: ph: 207-874-0883 adr: 3 Canal Plaza - Suite 601, Portland, ME 04112 

Max Baucus (D)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-2651 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Missoula: ph: 406-329-3123 adr: 211 North Higgins - Room 102, Missoula, MT 59802

Jon Tester (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2644 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Missoula, MT ph: 406-728-3003 adr: 116 West Front Street, Missoula, MT 59802

Kay Hagan (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-6342 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Raleigh: ph: 919-856-4630 adr: 310 New Bern Avenue, Raleigh, NC 27601

Kent Conrad (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2043 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Bismarck: ph: 701-258-4648 adr: Federal Building, Bismarck, ND 58501

George Voinovich (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-3353 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Columbus, OH ph: 614-469-6697 adr: 37 West Broad Street - Room 310, Columbus, OH 43215

Kay Bailey Hutchison (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-5922 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Austin, TX ph: 512-916-5834 adr: Federal Building, Austin, TX 78701

West Virginia
Joe Manchin (D)
Washington, DC
ph: 202-224-3954 adr: 311 Hart Office Bldg., Washington, DC 20510

Judd Gregg (R)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-3324 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 205100001
Portsmouth, NH ph: 603-431-2171 adr: 16 Pease Blvd., Portsmouth, NH 03801


Pound These 3 Senators Up For Re-Election in 2012 Who Are Leaning YES on Amnesty

There is no logical political reason for these Senators to vote YES on amnesty . . . if the people of their states know what they are doing. All three of these have good tendencies in our direction on amnesty in the past. But they are acting like this amnesty is somehow different.

Your job with these Senators is to persuade their staffs that voting for an amnesty without any enforcement will definitely be a key issue in the 2012 elections during what all experts predict will be continuing high unemployment for U.S. workers.

All three of these are Democrats in states that swung heavily Republican in last month's elections. A vote for amnesty might look like political suicide.

Debbie Stabenow (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-4822 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Detroit: ph: 313-961-4330 adr: 243 West Congress, Detroit, MI 48226

Claire McCaskill (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-6154 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Springfield: ph: 417-868-8745 adr: 324 Park Central West, Springfield, MO 65806

Jim Webb (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-4024 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Richmond: ph: 804-771-2221 adr: 507 East Franklin Street, Richmond, VA 23219


These 3 Senators Do NOT Face 2012 Re-Election But Are On The Fence And Leaning YES

All three of these have voted with us against amnesty in the past.

Tell their staffs that you don't understand how the Senator could oppose "comprehensive immigration reform" in the past when amnesty and enforcement were wrapped together, but now they are willing to pass an amnesty with NO enforcement.

Lisa Murkowski (R)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-6665 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Anchorage: ph: 877-829-6030 adr: 510 L Street, Anchorage, AK 99501
Fairbanks: ph: 907-456-0233 adr: 101 12th Avenue, Fairbanks, AK 99701
Juneau: ph: 907-586-7400 adr: 709 West 9th Street, Juneau, AK 99802
Kenai: ph: 907-283-5808 adr: 130 Trading Bay Road, Kenai, AK 99611
Ketchikan: ph: 907-283-5208 adr: 540 Water Street, Ketchikan, AK 99901
Wasilla: ph: 907-376-7665 adr: 851 East Westpoint Drive, Wasilla, AK 99654

Mary Landrieu (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-5824 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Baton Rouge: ph: 225-389-0395 adr: U.S. Postal Building, Baton Rouge, LA 70801

Byron Dorgan (D and retiring)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2551 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Bismarck: ph: 701-250-4618 adr: Federal Building, Bismarck, ND 58501


These 6 Senators Lean Strongly YES On Amnesty But Will Have To Face Voters In 2012

Most of these Democrats have had very little interest in hearing from us in the past.

But after last month's cataclysmic results, these Senators find themselves in states where they could have a really competitive race in 2012. Thanks to all of you who phoned them today. Now, we need another round of calls telling them how much an amnesty vote Saturday will be like an albatross around their necks during the 2012 campaigns.

Joseph Lieberman (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-4041 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Hartford: ph: 860-549-8463 adr: One Constitution Plaza, Hartford, CT 06103

Bill Nelson (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-5274 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Orlando: ph: 407-872-7161 adr: 225 East Robinson Street, Orlando, FL 32801

Amy Klobuchar (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-3244 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Minneapolis: ph: 612-727-5220 adr: 1200 Washington Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55415

Jeff Bingaman (D)
Washington, DC ph: 202-224-5521 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Albuquerque: ph: 505-346-6601 adr: 625 Silver Ave SW, #130, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Sherrod Brown (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-2315 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Cleveland: ph: 216-522-7272 adr: 1301 East Ninth St., Cleveland, OH 44114

Maria Cantwell (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-3441 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Seattle: ph: 206-220-6400 adr: 915 Second Avenue, Seattle, WA 98174

Herb Kohl (D)
Washington, DC: ph: 202-224-5653 adr: U.S. Senate, Washington, DC 20510
Madison: ph: 608-264-5338 adr: 14 West Muffin Street - Suite 312, Madison, WI 53703

Thursday, December 16, 2010

DREAM Act vote SATURDAY December 18

DREAM Act VOTE in 36 HOURS - in Saturday session at 10am - Senate votes on cloture (to start/stop debate) on DREAM ACT amnesty - 60 votes need to pass first vote - then only 51 votes to pass second vote - THIS IS REAL - ALERT

Reid filed for cloture on the DREAM act and just "filled the amendment tree" so that no amendments can be offered on the Senate floor to the DREAM Act.  Cloture vote is on Saturday early.

Here is what's probably going to happen: 
  • Cloture (start/stop debate) motion filed tonight (Thursday).
  • Vote on cloture could be as early as Saturday morning 10am.
  • 2 coted needed to pass, if it gets 60 votes in the first, then 30 hours will run before another vote. 2nd vote is on final passage - only 51 votes needed.  
  • If DREAM cloture vote fails, they move to DADT repeal (Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell) cloture vote.
I will get back to you all in the morning with an official TARGET LIST. 

Just to be clear, we have a little under 36 hours until the amnesty vote.

This will be the most historic Immigration vote in the last 10 years, and maybe the most historic since the 1986 Amnesty!


Note: Special thanks to STAND WITH ARIZONA for the graphic.

READ the DREAM Act amnesty bill

H.R. 5281
"Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act of 2010" 
or the DREAM Act of 2010

Passed by the U.S. House of Representatives 216-198 on December 8, 2010.
The bill now awaits movement or a vote in the U.S. Senate.  If it passes the Senate, the President is expected to sign it and it will become law.

  • H.R. 5281 grants amnesty to illegal aliens up to 30 years old who claim to have lived in the U.S. for 5 years and “initially entered” before the age of 16.
  • H.R.5281 does this by granting illegal aliens a 5-year period of conditional nonimmigrant status if they have completed high school, have a GED, or have been admitted to a college or university (including online schools).
  • H.R. 5281 allows these aliens to extend this status for another five years (or longer) if the alien completes two years of college or military service.
  • H.R. 5281 allows for an alien to apply for a green card after 10 years.  However, DHS may waive the educational and military requirements, both at the point of renewing an alien’s conditional nonimmigrant status and at the point of granting a green card.
  • H.R. 5281 charges an initial fee of $525 upon granting conditional nonimmigrant status and a subsequent fee of $2,000 upon renewal.
Note: Special thanks to FAIR for the analysis.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Winter blast DREAM Act action list

Target Republicans: Collins, Murkowski, Voinovich, Snowe, LeMieux

Most of the nation is locked in a deep freeze while Congress is locked in a steel cage debate on tax cuts and unemployment relief.  There is a winter weather advisory across most of the U.S. and a massive spending advisory in Washington D.C. to the tune of a $858 billion tax-cut compromise.  The Senate final vote on the tax bill is expected later today or tomorrow.  The DREAM Act amnesty, which already passed the House, could move any day this week.  While it is highly unlikely to occur today, Senator Reid (D-NV) could at any time bring the House-passed version of the DREAM Act to a test vote. If the Senate moves this week on the DREAM Act amnesty, the action will not likely occur until Wednesday, December 15, 2010, or later.  This gives us time during this arctic plunge to stand up and take action to protect the American workers.

The pro-amnesty and open-border groups are beating us across the board in just about every category.  They are placing more calls to target Senators, they are visiting more swing-vote offices in target states, and they are sending more e-mails, facebook and tweets.  They are hungry, they have a small window of golden opportunity and they are very well mobilized.  They are younger and more well-funded.  They are confident that they can get the 60 votes required to make the DREAM Act law.

The DREAM Act already passed in the House.  If it passes in the Senate, the President will sign it into law and amnesty will be the law of the land.  Just to be clear. If the DREAM Act amnesty (H.R. 5281) passes it will become law!  Amnesty will be the immediate law of the land and illegal immigrants will immediately be able to apply for conditional lawful permanent resident status (conditional LPR status).  There is no cap on the number of aliens who may receive conditional LPR status, and such status may be extended indefinitely.  There is no end date for the application process.  And read this out loud:  There can be no repeal on this amnesty if it becomes law.  Here's what you can do to help STOP the DREAM Act today.

We need specific calls, emails, facebook and tweets focused on this target list, and most importantly, we need feedback to share with our team.  If we are going to STOP the DREAM Act, we need to focus and do this hard work.  If each of you could donate 30-40 minutes of your time over the next 24 hours, contact these 5 Senators, we may have a chance.  But right now we are in jeopardy of losing these targets.  And we need feedback from their offices.

Target:  Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) 
DC Office:  (202) 224-2523 
State Office:  (207) 945-0417 Bangor
Phone Message:  I'm calling to to talk about Immigration and the DREAM Act.  I do not support the DREAM Act and request that Senator Collins does not vote for the DREAM Act during the lame duck session.  Please record on your tally sheet a "No" vote on the DREAM Act.  Where does the Senator stand?

Message:  The DREAM Act is an amnesty for 2.1 million illegal immigrants.  It is very disappointing that Sen. Reid is trying to force an amnesty through Congress and onto the American people when 27 million Americans cannot find a job.  Unemployment in Oxford, Piscataquis, Somerset, and Washington counties is above 9% and climbing.  Congress needs to concentrate on creating jobs for these Americans and legal immigrants instead of giving amnesty to illegal aliens!  Please vote NO on the DREAM Act.


Target:  Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) 
DC Office:  (202) 224-6665 
State Office:  (877) 829-6030 toll free in Alaska
Phone Message:  I'm calling to to talk with a staff member about Immigration and the DREAM Act.  I do not support the DREAM Act and request that Senator Murkowski does not vote for the DREAM Act during the lame duck session.  Please mark down on your tally sheet a "No" vote on the DREAM Act.  Where does the Senator stand? 

Message:  The DREAM Act is an amnesty for 2.1 million illegal immigrants.  It is very disappointing that Sen. Reid is trying to force an amnesty through Congress and onto the American people when 27 million Americans cannot find a job.  Unemployment in Alaska is near 8% and climbing.  Congress needs to concentrate on creating jobs for these Americans and legal immigrants instead of giving amnesty to illegal aliens!  Please vote NO on the DREAM Act.


Target:  Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) 
DC Office:  (202) 224-3353 
State Office:  (216) 522-7095 Cleveland
Phone Message:  I'm calling to to talk to a staffer about Immigration and the DREAM Act.  I do not support the DREAM Act and request that Senator Voinovich vote NO on the DREAM Act during the lame duck session and wish him & his family all the best in the future.  Please mark on your call list today a "No" vote on the DREAM Act.  Where does the Senator stand?

Message:  Thank you for your years of service in the Senate.  The DREAM Act is an amnesty for 2.1 million illegal immigrants.  It is very disappointing that Sen. Reid is trying to force an amnesty through Congress and onto the American people when 27 million Americans cannot find a job.  Unemployment in Ohio is at 9.5% and climbing, Muskingum county is at 12%.  Congress needs to concentrate on creating jobs for these Americans and legal immigrants instead of giving amnesty to illegal aliens!  Please vote NO on the DREAM Act.

Facebook:  n/a? Let us know if you find an official one
Twitter:  n/a? Let us know if you find an official one 

Target:  Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) 
DC Office:  (202) 224-5344 
State Office:  (800) 432-1599 toll free in Maine
Phone Message:  I'm calling to to talk to a Legislative Assistant or Director about Immigration and the DREAM Act.  I do not support the DREAM Act and request that Senator Snowe does not vote for the DREAM Act during the lame duck session.  Please record on your tally sheet a "No" vote on the DREAM Act.  Where does the Senator stand?

Senator Snowe said in a statement that "Millions of illegal immigrants could attempt to become legal residents as a result of this proposal, according to some estimates, and it is incumbent upon the Senate to ensure our policies never again lead to a situation where we are confronted with upwards of 12 million illegal immigrants residing within our borders."  Is she a firm NO on the DREAM Act?

Message:  The DREAM Act is an amnesty for 2.1 million illegal immigrants.  It is very disappointing that Sen. Reid is trying to force an amnesty through Congress and onto the American people when 27 million Americans cannot find a job.  Unemployment in Oxford, Piscataquis, Somerset, and Washington counties is above 9% and climbing.  Congress needs to concentrate on creating jobs for these Americans and legal immigrants instead of giving amnesty to illegal aliens!  Please vote NO on the DREAM Act.

Facebook:  n/a? Let us know if you find an official one
Twitter:  n/a? Let us know if you find an official one  

Target:  Sen. George LeMieux (R-Florida) 
DC Office:  (202) 224-3041 
State Office:  (866) 630-7106 toll free in Florida
Phone Message:  I'm calling to to talk to a Legislative Assistant or Director about Immigration and the DREAM Act.  I do not support the DREAM Act and request that Senator LeMieux vote NO on the DREAM Act during the lame duck session and wish him the best in his future endeavors.  Please record on your worksheet a "No" vote on the DREAM Act.  Where does the Senator stand?

Senator LeMieux said in a statement that "He will not support consideration of the DREAM Act until substantial and effective measures are taken to secure our borders!"  Is he a firm NO on the DREAM Act?

Message:  Thank you for your service in the Senate.  The DREAM Act is an amnesty for 2.1 million illegal immigrants.  It is very disappointing that Sen. Reid is trying to force an amnesty through Congress and onto the American people when 27 million Americans cannot find a job.  Unemployment in Florida is at 11.6% and climbing, Miami-Dade county is 13.1%!  Congress needs to concentrate on creating jobs for these Americans and legal immigrants instead of giving amnesty to illegal aliens.  Please vote NO on the DREAM Act.


Please leave your feedback here after you call.

Monday, December 13, 2010

DREAM Act on Thin Ice

Today is tax bill Monday.  If the Senate acts on the DREAM Act amnesty, it would not likely occur until Wednesday, December 15, 2010, or later.  It is possible that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) could challenge the Senate to move on the House-passed (H.R. 5281) DREAM Act this week, but only after he navigates through the Bush tax cuts, extending unemployment and funding the federal government.

In order to get to the DREAM Act this week, Sen. Reid will have to maneuver the Bush tax bill through the Senate, and through the House, and get the President to sign it.  First things first.  Next, he will have to find a way fund the federal government and finalize action on the fiscal year 2011 appropriations bills.  

If and when he finishes those two tasks, Reid then will have to hold onto enough Democratic Senate votes (57) and add a half-dozen or so Republican votes to invoke cloture (start/stop debate) on the House-passed version of the DREAM Act.  Finally, if he is magician enough to do all of that, he likely will have to navigate through a series of amendments from Sen. Session and Sen. Vitter, etc... aimed to derail the bill and to correct every loophole in the DREAM Act bill.  Reid will need 60 votes for three votes to pass this!

But is there time?  He'll have to do all of this in the 5-to-10 legislative days left before Congress adjourns for the year.  All sources say Reid wants to wrap up by this Friday, December 17, 2010.

Please keep calling and keep emailing and keep faxing!

That's it.  Thin Ice.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nap Time for DREAM Act

There will be no amnesty today for 2.1 million young adults living in this country without proper documentation.  There will be no reward system for illegal aliens to bring their children across the border or overstay their visa.  There will be no nightmare Dream Act passed through the United States Senate today, but there is still time for amnesty advocates and open-border law breakers to pull off an 11th hour rally.  Watch for it next week.

Just 24 hours ago the DREAM Act narrowly passed through the U.S. House of Representatives 216-198.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi put her stamp of approval on H.R. 5281 and shipped it to the Senate this morning, but Majority Leader Harry Reid was unable to secure the 60 votes needed to move forward in the Senate.  He was forced to move the DREAM Act aside by a vote of 59-40.  One thing got in his way, 42 Republican Senators who are standing in solidarity against any lame duck legislation that does not deal directly with either (1) the Bush tax cuts or (2) budget and funding the federal government.  That's a big problem for the DREAM Act.

True to their word, the 42 GOP roadblock today also stopped debate on the 9/11 Health and Compensation Act and the National Defense Authorization Act that contained the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".  And true to his campaign promises and headstrong liberal agenda, Senator Reid wasted last 48 hours pushing for passage of both the DREAM Act and DADT.  Both failed today.

The Senate version of the DREAM Act (S.3992) is done.  It's over, and has no chance of passing this year.  Strike one.  The House-passed version of the DREAM Act (H.R.5281) is alive and well, but did not have enough Senate support today to begin debate.  Strike two.  And to top things off, the Democratic Caucus turned on the President today and refused to compromise on the Bush Tax cuts.  There is trouble brewing and mass tension on Capitol Hill today.  But through all this political theater, the DREAM Act is still very much in play and could come up for a vote and begin debate as soon as Tuesday of next week.  

Advocates of the DREAM Act, including Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.), praised the Senate's decision.  "We now have the weekend and into next week to launch a national mobilization to get the votes to enact this important bill that could literally change the course of hundreds of thousands of young lives and make our country and our military stronger," Gutierrez said in a statement.

Reid's camp was less enthusiastic, "We still hope to consider it before we leave," a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told Fox News.  And the White House expressed support for Reid's move.  "Last night's approval of the DREAM Act in the House of Representatives was a historic and important step," a White House spokesman said.  "We agree with the Senate leadership's decision to table the version under consideration in that chamber in favor of taking up the version approved in the House."

Now open borders advocates are scrambling for the possibility of the Senate bringing up the House-passed version and are trying desperately to gain more support.  Under Senate rules, Reid will be able to bring up the House bill at any time, but Senate sources tell us that a vote will probably not take place until next week. The Senate is tentatively scheduled to adjourn December 17th.  

For a decade, various versions of the DREAM Act have been proposed -- they all failed.  In the latest bill, people would be eligible for conditional non-immigrant status (a temporary way to be in the US legally) if they are under the age of 30, living in the US continuously for at least five years, and were brought to the United States before they were 16. They also must earn a high school diploma, GED, or college acceptance, and undergo various background checks. People would then be able to gain permanent resident status, and apply for citizenship, after 10 years and after completing two years of college or military service.

The delay until next week could give Democratic leaders time to persuade toss-up Republicans. In the past, a few Senate Republicans have signaled support for the DREAM Act but now most have taken a stronger line against the bill.  Many of them agree that the DREAM Act and its loopholes represent a form of amnesty for illegal immigrants.

Sen. Reid will need at least a handful of Republican support to reach 60 votes and break a filibuster.  Democrats remain hopeful that, if Congress can get over the tax-deal hurdle, the DREAM Act has a shot at passing the Senate.

DREAM Act Now What?

Stay tuned to C-SPAN2 on TV or on-line Senate starts at 9:30am and check back for more details.  And if you haven't picked up the phone this week and called your Senators, now is the time.  Pick up the phone and call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. A switchboard operator will connect you directly with the Senate office you request.  Please call these 10 undecided Senators and tell them to vote NO on the DREAM Act!  

Then check this list for more complete Senate targets and details.

The Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors bill (DREAM Act) narrowly passed in the House 216-198 with a slick series of moves by Senator Reid (D-NV) and Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD).  After 2 hours of debate on the House floor, Speaker Queen Nancy Pelosi pounded the gavel with victory and joy as she shipped the bill to the Senate with her seal of approval.  The backdoor moves by the Democrat leadership left no room for amendments or options to House Republicans.  They lost the "rules" vote and the "bill vote" itself.  8 Republicans voted with the Democrats and 11 Republicans missed the vote completely.

"Mass amnesty is not the only problem with the DREAM Act," said Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX), the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee.  "The bill allows illegal immigrants to receive in-state tuition at public universities, placing them ahead of U.S. citizens.  The bill also is a magnet for fraud."

The DREAM Act does not provide funding to states and counties to cover the costs it imposes. Since enrollment and funding are limited at public institutions, the act’s passage will require some combination of tuition increases, tax increases to expand enrollment, or a reduction in spaces available for American citizens at these schools.  Senators need to consider the strains the DREAM Act will create and the impact of adding students to state universities and community colleges on the educational opportunities available to American citizens (including legal immigrants and foreign students here legally on visas).

"It is not being cold-hearted to acknowledge that every dollar spent on illegal immigrants is one dollar less that's spent on our own children, our own senior citizens and for all those who entered this society who played by the rules, who paid their taxes and expect their government to watch out for their needs before it bestows privileges and scarce resources on illegals," said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA).

The DREAM Act now needs just 60 votes in the Senate and presto magic, we will have a mulit-billion dollar amnesty for 2.1 million illegal young adults in this country at a time of 10% unemployment.  And by the way, the government will also allow you to be on unemployment for 3 years too, so don't worry about finding a job anytime soon. Nearly 6 million Americans looked for work in 2009 and didn't find it, for the entire year!  22 million American workers are jobless, no hope and counting.  That's not going to change. 

The Senate schedule has the DREAM Act up first at 9:30am Thursday morning, December 9, 2010.  Having won first in the House gives options to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.   But Reid does not have to bring it to a vote tomorrow, think about it.  Now that the House of Representatives has passed the DREAM Act, the Senate must pass it in identical form before the 111th Congress adjourns, or the bill will die when the 112th Congress convenes on January 5, 2011.  

Word on Capitol Hill is that all 42 Republican Senators are standing in solidarity forcing the Democrats to first pass (1) the Bush tax cuts and (2) budget and funding for the Government first.  Let's say that Reid, President Obama and VP Biden get both of those things passed this week and early next week.  Now What?  That clears the runway for the DREAM Act vote mid-next week.  Or does Reid try to push it through Thursday morning at 11am after a short debate while spirits are high and momentum is on their side.  Reid holds all the cards, but Republicans have 42 votes (if and only if they all remain united).  Stay tuned and pick up the phone, call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

10 Calls for America to STOP the DREAM Act


PICK 10 NUMBERS and CALL the House NOW!

(Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors)
Washington, D.C. Capitol Switchboard:
(202) 224-3121

House Republicans who Need Extra Pressure to vote NO
LaTourette, Steven (OH - 14th) 202-225-5731
Austria, Steve (OH - 07th) 202-225-4324
Cassidy, Bill (LA - 06th) 202-225-3901
Lance, Leonard (NJ - 07th) 202-225-5361
Paul, Ron (TX- 14th) 202-225-2831
Paulsen, Erik (MN - 03rd) 202-225-2871
Rooney, Tom (FL - 16th) 202-225-5792
Schock, Aaron (IL - 18th) 202-225-6201
Thompson, Glenn (PA - 05th) 202-225-5121
Flake, Jeff (AZ - 06th) 202-225-2635
Ryan, Paul (WI - 01st) 202-225-3031
Nunes, Devin (CA - 21st) 202-225-2523
Radanovich, George (CA - 19th) 202-225-4540
Lee, Christopher (NY - 26th) 202-225-5265
Cao, Joseph (LA - 02nd) 202-225-6636
Ehlers, Vernon (MI - 03rd) 202-225-3831
Diaz-Balart, Mario (FL - 25th) 202-225-2778
Diaz-Balart, Lincoln (FL - 21st) 202-225-4211
Ros-Lehtinen, Ileana (FL - 18th) 202-225-3931
Djou, Charles (HI - 01st) 202-225-2726
Stutzman, Marlin (IN - 03rd) 202-225-4436
Guthrie, Brett (KY - 02nd) 202-225-3501

House Democrats who Need Pressure to vote NO
Boucher, Rick (Rep.- 09th) D - VA 202-225-3861
Taylor, Gene (Rep. - 04th) D - MS 202-225-5772
Baird, Brian (Rep. - 03rd) D - WA 202-225-3536
Marshall, Jim (Rep. - 08th) D - GA 202-225-6531
McIntyre, Mike (Rep. - 07th) D - NC 202-225-2731
Barrow, John (Rep. - 12th) D - GA 202-225-2823
Bright, Bobby (Rep. - 02nd) D - AL 202-225-2901
Childers, Travis (Rep. - 01st) D - MS 202-225-4306
Kratovil, Frank (Rep. - 01st) D - MD 202-225-5311
Murphy, Patrick J. (Rep. - 08th) D - PA 202-225-4276
Nye, Glenn (Rep. - 02nd) D - VA 202-225-4215
Shuler, Heath (Rep. - 11th) D - NC 202-225-6401
DeFazio, Peter (Rep. - 04th) D - OR 202-225-6416
Melancon, Charles (Rep. - 03rd) D - LA 202-225-4031
Hill, Baron (Rep. - 09th) D - IN 202-225-5315
Matheson, Jim (Rep. - 02nd) D - UT 202-225-3011
Ross, Mike (Rep. - 04th) D - AR 202-225-3772
Altmire, Jason (Rep. - 04th) D - PA 202-225-2565
Davis, Artur (Rep. - 07th) D - AL 202-225-2665
Donnelly, Joe (Rep. - 02nd) D - IN 202-225-3915
Ellsworth, Brad (Rep. - 08th) D - IN 202-225-4636
Herseth Sandlin, Stephanie (Rep. - at large) D - SD 202-225-2801
Klein, Ron (Rep. - 22nd) D - FL 202-225-3026
Minnick, Walter (Rep. - 01st) D - ID 202-225-6611
Bean, Melissa (Rep. - 08th) D - IL 202-225-3711
Carney, Christopher (Rep. - 10th) D - PA 202-225-3731
Holden, Tim (Rep. - 17th) D - PA 202-225-5546
Kanjorski, Paul (Rep. - 11th) D - PA 202-225-6511
Kissell, Larry (Rep. - 08th) D - NC 202-225-3715
Kosmas, Suzanne (Rep. - 24th) D - FL 202-225-2706
Gordon, Bart (Rep. - 06th) D - TN 202-225-4231
Visclosky, Peter (Rep. - 01st) D - IN 202-225-2461
Kagen, M.D., Steven (Rep. - 08th) D - WI 202-225-5665
Arcuri, Michael A. (Rep. - 24th) D - NY 202-225-3665
Space, Zack T. (Rep. - 18th) D - OH 202-225-6265
Stupak, Bart (Rep. - 01st) D - MI 202-225-4735
Adler, John (Rep. - 03rd) D - NJ 202-225-4765
Bishop, Timothy (Rep. - 01st) D - NY 202-225-3826
Boccieri, John (Rep. - 16th) D - OH 202-225-3876
Boren, Dan (Rep. - 02nd) D - OK 202-225-2701
Boswell, Leonard (Rep. - 03rd) D - IA 202-225-3806
Carnahan, Russ (Rep. - 03rd) D - MO 202-225-2671
Connolly, Gerry (Rep. - 11th) D - VA 202-225-1492
Cooper, Jim (Rep. - 05th) D - TN 202-225-4311
Costello, Jerry (Rep. - 12th) D - IL 202-225-5661
Courtney, Joe (Rep. - 02nd) D - CT 202-225-2076
Dahlkemper, Kathy (Rep. - 03rd) D - PA 202-225-5406
Driehaus, Steven (Rep. - 01st) D - OH 202-225-2216
Etheridge, Bob (Rep. - 02nd) D - NC 202-225-4531
Foster, Bill (Rep. - 14th) D - IL 202-225-2976
Giffords, Gabrielle (Rep. - 08th) D - AZ 202-225-2542
Hall, John (Rep. - 19th) D - NY 202-225-5441
Halvorson, Debbie (Rep. - 11th) D - IL 202-225-3635
Himes, Jim (Rep. - 04th) D - CT 202-225-5541
Hodes, Paul (Rep. - 02nd) D - NH 202-225-5206
Kildee, Dale (Rep. - 05th) D - MI 202-225-3611
Kilroy, Mary Jo (Rep. - 15th) D - OH 202-225-2015
Kirkpatrick, Ann (Rep. - 01st) D - AZ 202-225-2315
Larson, John (Rep. - 01st) D - CT 202-225-2265
Lipinski, Daniel (Rep. - 03rd) D - IL 202-225-5701
Loebsack, Dave (Rep. - 02nd) D - IA 202-225-6576
Michaud, Michael (Rep. - 02nd) D - ME 202-225-6306
Mitchell, Harry (Rep. - 05th) D - AZ 202-225-2190
Oberstar, James (Rep. - 08th) D - MN 202-225-6211
Peters, Gary (Rep. - 09th) D - MI 202-225-5802
Pomeroy, Earl (Rep. - at large) D - ND 202-225-2611
Ruppersberger, Dutch (Rep. - 02nd) D - MD 202-225-3061
Schauer, Mark (Rep. - 07th) D - MI 202-225-6276
Schwartz, Allyson (Rep. - 13th) D - PA 202-225-6111
Scott, David (Rep. - 13th) D - GA 202-225-2939
Shea-Porter, Carol (Rep. - 01st) D - NH 202-225-5456
Skelton, Ike (Rep. - 04th) D - MO 202-225-2876
Spratt, John (Rep. - 05th) D - SC 202-225-5501
Tanner, John (Rep. - 08th) D - TN 202-225-4714
Teague, Harry (Rep. - 02nd) D - NM 202-225-2365
Titus, Dina (Rep. - 03rd) D - NV 202-225-3252
Van Hollen, Chris (Rep. - 08th) D - MD 202-225-5341
Walz, Tim (Rep. - 01st) D - MN 202-225-2472
Wilson, Charlie (Rep. - 06th) D - OH 202-225-5705
Yarmuth, John (Rep. - 03rd) D - KY 202-225-5401